Linux is an operating system similar to UNIX, and is an independent implementation of the POSIX operating system, with extension SysV and BSD UNIX operating system, which mainly run on the machine (read: microprocessors) Intel 80386DX family, or newer. The next development, Linux can run on multiple machines among others such as Sun Sparc, Mac, PowerPC, DEC Alpha, and PPC mk86.
Linux used to be a hobby project done by Linus Torvalds gain inspiration from Minix, a small UNIX system developed by Andy Tanenbaum. 0:01 Linux version is done around August 1991. On 5 October 1991 Linus officially announce Linux, which is 0:02. This version can only run Bash (GNU Bourne Again Shell) and gcc (GNU C Compiler).
Now Linux is a complete UNIX system, could be used for the network (networking), the development of software, even for daily needs - today. Linux is an alternative operating system are much cheaper when compared with commercial operating systems, with Linux capability equivalent or even more. Linux is developed on the following platforms:
Although Linux is not Unix systems is official, but Linux has the basic heritage, culture, architecture and experience of the Unix operating system, an operating system that has been running for 28 years. Since the advent of Linux source code (1991) linux kernel has been investigated (review) and enhanced by tens of thousands of programmers worldwide. Most programs GNU and the X window system has been around longer than linux, and has been investigated more thoroughly.
Linux operating system includes true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, proper memory management, and multiuser. Linux like UNIX, supports many software ranging from TEX, X window, GNU C / C ++ to TCP / IP.
Linux used to be a hobby project done by Linus Torvalds gain inspiration from Minix, a small UNIX system developed by Andy Tanenbaum. 0:01 Linux version is done around August 1991. On 5 October 1991 Linus officially announce Linux, which is 0:02. This version can only run Bash (GNU Bourne Again Shell) and gcc (GNU C Compiler).
Now Linux is a complete UNIX system, could be used for the network (networking), the development of software, even for daily needs - today. Linux is an alternative operating system are much cheaper when compared with commercial operating systems, with Linux capability equivalent or even more. Linux is developed on the following platforms:
- 80386/486/586/686 Intel Pentium (Pro, II, III, and Pentium 64 bit), as well as AMD and Cyrix processors as well as equivalent.
- System PC with microprosesor symmetrical, leptop and notebooks.
- Digital Alpha.
- Sun SPARC 64-bit.
- Motorola 68k.
- Macintosh, PowerPC.
- Amiga.
- Atari.
- MIPS, and much more.
Although Linux is not Unix systems is official, but Linux has the basic heritage, culture, architecture and experience of the Unix operating system, an operating system that has been running for 28 years. Since the advent of Linux source code (1991) linux kernel has been investigated (review) and enhanced by tens of thousands of programmers worldwide. Most programs GNU and the X window system has been around longer than linux, and has been investigated more thoroughly.
Linux operating system includes true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, proper memory management, and multiuser. Linux like UNIX, supports many software ranging from TEX, X window, GNU C / C ++ to TCP / IP.