System files on linux (ext2), like other UNIX file systems, do not know the term drive like in DOS or Windows (Example: Drive: C: D, and so on). Linux file system using the system hierarchy and unification (directory in the distribution). Which treats all files, directories and device drivers (including disk drives, floppy disks, and CD-ROM drive) as the file terminology this is known as' Everything is a file "in UNIX and Linux.
The file system Linux / UNIX supports file names of 256 characters, excluding a sign symbol and the quotation marks except period (.), And the minus sign (-). Points can be used multiple times in a single file name, for example: ini.nama.file
All commands in linux is case-sensitive (uppercase and lowercase letters mean different things), and using the slash (/) to declare a directory; unlike DOS / Windows uses a backslash (\).
There are six categories of the files in UNIX / Linux are:
• File usually Consist:
o The text file in standard ASCII format.
o The data file format instead of ASCII (karakterkhusus).
• The text file in ASCII format command but is a set of automatic command (script)
• File command in binary format (binary).
• Directory.
• Linkages (links).
• Device control (Device Driver) specifically for the hardware.
While the composition of the file system hierarchy in UNIX / Linux is as follows:
/ Root directory.
/ bin Contains file command base in binary form.
/ boot Contains file and information that requires the initial boot process.
/ dev Contains file controlling device (device driver).
/ etc Contains additional files flat - flat is for of Administrative and system configuration.
/ home directory for the user (user).
/ lib Contains file library (library).
/ sbin Contains file for the super-user, or the so-called root, and binary files for system startup.
/ tmp Contains temporary files (temporary).
/ usr Contains file and directories for additional commands, either in binary or script.
/ var Contains file variable (eg for the system spooling, printing, mail) and also contains the log.
You can also add your own directory, according to the needs and desires.
Each distribution has little difference, especially in the mounting directories such as:
• Redhat / Caldera / Mandrake.
Floppy disks, and CD drive is placed in the directory / mnt / floppy and / mnt / cdrom.
• Slackware / SuSE
Floppy disk and CD drive is placed in the directory / floppy and / cdrom.
But actually to the affairs of mounting a directory depends on the system administrator to set it, so the difference is actually not a big problem.
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