Sharing is happiness, once we know the capabilities and reliability of performance as the Linux operating system that is widely used in various industries, now is the time we try it yourself to be sure.
Select distributions (Linux distribution) you desire
Selection of distributions is quite important article, we will adjust the specification of our computer, if we have a computer or notebook suggested that the low specifications using Ubuntu-based distributions such as:
• Ubuntu itself,
• Linux mint,
• Cyborg hawk (distro pentest),
• Macbuntu,
• Edubuntu, etc.
Use invironment lightweight desktop also like:
• Gnome version 2,
• Fluxbox,
• Xfcf.
Moderate if we have computer specifications above, we are free to choose distributions bias whatever we like. And desktop invironment we like. As :
• Kali linux 2,
• Debian,
• etc, with desktop invironment kde, and with the latest gnome desktop invironment.
Selection of the x86 and x64
• Choose the x86 architecture to 2GB RAM down this applies to Amd and i386,
• Select the x64 architecture for up to 4GB of RAM is valid for Amd and i386 as well.
Step - step installation of linux
1. Once we select the Linux distribution in accordance with the desire of the above considerations, furthermore,
2. Create a shrink partition,
• Through Windows Explorer and right-click My Computer -- Manage -- disk management -- right-click on the partition - click shrink volume, fill 15000 mb, click shrink,
3. Provide usb, 'adjust the size distribution capacity that we will use', turn fastboot partition will be read, how:
• enter the Control Panel -- Hardware and Sound -- Power Options -- Choose what the power button does -- click change settings that are currently unavaible, uncheck fastboot,
4. After that select software to create bootable such as 'Universal-usb-installer', 'Rufus', and the most recent 'Yummi' that can make booting from different operating systems in a single usb,
5. The next step is to enter iso file to a bootable software, this time I used the 'Universal-usb-installer', and select 'try unlisted ISO linux',
6. Select the drive, we would choose the drive containing usb, 'note, do not choose a drive other than the usb!'
7. Then check the format of the drive, and click create,
8. Wait until the boot making process is completed,
9. If you have to restart our computer,
10. Wait a moment, if we use UEFI computer esc to select the next step,
11. Select the usb, I use Ubuntu distributions as an example,
12. Click next, next, until the installation type choose something else,
13. choose the recommended 15 gb partition, create partition 11 gb for ext4 can also use ext3,
14. and make the swap partition by 4 gb, 4 gb why because the swap itself to the boot to make it faster,
15. If you have click install now, wait until the installation is complete,
16. Restart the computer, and taaaara we have finished installing linux, linux group would look like this.