
Advantages, and disadvantages of Linux

Linux has many advantages including the following:

Open Source; Linux is one of the open source system, which means its members the opportunity to see the program fatherly origin, or change it as necessary without being penalized property right under the GNU license.

Freeware; Linux is a freeware system under the GNU license, which allows a personal, some people and institutions to use, and distribute without royalties demanded by its creator.

Minimum Hardware; Linux does not require expensive hardware. At a minimum, the required hardware is Intel 386 DX, with a minimum of 8 MB RAM, and hard disk capacity of at least 85 MB. For special purposes, Linux can be run only by one or two floppy disks only, misalnyapada harddiskless computer (without hard drive) and the router.

Scalability; Linux can run on machines as small as the 3Com Palm Pilot and Digital Itsy and machinery for Beowuft Clusters (a set of fast PC connected to menyelaesaikan scientific issues / scientific). Linux also supports multipleprocessors up to 16 pieces.

Stability; By NASA, linux used for experimental plants, using a 486 DX processor-2, and 4 MB of memory, which signaled to continue to live for 4 days straight - participate in space, without even be impaired.In an office environment, Linux is used as a server. If it is configured correctly for the hardware, generally running Linux without the need to reboot (in-restart) until the hardware is not functioning anymore or no electrical voltage or deliberately turned off (shutdown). Age sustainable living system to hundreds a day or more is already commonplace.

Shared Libraries; Linux uses a version numbering Shared Libraries. Shared Libraries in linux version included in its file name, making it possible to install the new version without damaging other programs linkages. While most Windows applications to install version - the new version of Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL), which generally results in other applications that ask for a different version of the DLL is not working properly. Numbering version of Shared Libraries is one thing that the underlying stability of Linux.

Non-Fragmentation; (without defrag in MS Windows) that makes it easy for users to create, edit, and delete files without worrying fragmentation in the data or the existing program. Because Linux uses the file system ext2fs (Second Extennded File System), which have the advantage of reducing the fragmentation automatically. By using ext2fs, performance read and write (access) from or to the hard disk is maintained.

Immune Virus; Linux is immune to viruses DOS / Windows. This is paramount if you are considering using Linux. Linux also inherited the tradition of Unix with support for file permissions (license file), which can prevent the alteration or deletion of files that can prevent the alteration or deletion of files without permission from the owner. Because the virus is essentially unknown in the world of linux. Even in linux itself until now has not found the virus that is true - it can damage the operating system. This is because Linux is an open operating system, so that it creates a sense of togetherness make linux belonged to everyone, not just belong to the author or developer only.

bugfix; Security issues concerning the operating system itself is usually announced a few hours after it was discovered, followed by a bugfix, workaround, advisory, and so on. For example, found a bug hardware itself (Pentium with F0 0F bug), a workaround is available for download moments after the announced presence of the bug.

TCP / IP; Linux has a native TCP / IP protocol so that all who use TCP / IP will be done faster than any other operating system so that non-UNIX computer resource required is much cheaper when compared to other operating systems.

File System 32 bit; Linux supports full file system 32 bit, even 64 bit (Ultra Sparc), which allows it to be used as servers, either separately or together - each (Power Linux Beowulf: hundreds of CPU arranged together - the same so as if - if the the computer / CPU / Server).

Multi-User; Where more than one person can use the same or a different program from the same machine, at the same time, in the same or a different terminal.

Multiconsole; In a computer, users can log in with a user name that is the same or different more than once, without the need to close the previous session. Multiconsole not only be applied to CLI (Command Line Interface / Interpreter-command line interface), but can also be applied to GUI (Graphical User Interface / graphical interface). Multiconsole enforceable in linux because linux is a Non-Dedicated Server, unlike Novell Netware version 4 under the Dedicated Server. In the Non-Dedicated Server. In the Non-Dedicated Server, users can work as well as through client using a server computer to work serving clients - existing clients.

Multitasking; which allows you to access data or execute a program together - together on a different console without fear of stack or hang the operating system. You can even copy, edit, to delete a file or data simultaneously at the time of the data or file is executed / on-loading. This is the stability of the operating system indicated by Linux.

Virtual Memory; The maximum memory utilization. Virtual Memory makes Linux has the ability to run the program - the program more than it should be if it only uses physical memory only. Virtual memory system in linux exceeds the simple use of swap space. Program - a program that is run more than once will be used to incorporate an image program (text area) with lots of data images. This resulted in an optimal memory usage, but still protect the memory space of each - each program, each program prevents soiling another program memory space.

Login User; Linux has a login user or operator are not limited in number so as to allow the use of up to 254 clients simultaneously, and is equipped with a password.

Access File System; Linux supports 34 kinds of access to different file systems, including FAT16 for MS-DOS, 32 / VFAT for MS Windows, NTFS for accessing Windows NT, HPFS, MINIX, UFS, SCO, XENIX to access the operating system based on UNIX, Appletalk to access Apple, Marsnwe to access the Novel Netware, and others - others.

Emulator; Linux provides Emulator to run applications designed (read: the compiler) to run different operating systems, for example:

- Dosemu (DOS emulator), to run DOS applications.
- WINE (Windows Emulator), to run the 16-bit Windows applications, and some 32-bit Windows applications.- IBCs, to run the executable file FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, SCO UNIX (TM), etc.- Executor, to run applications Macintosh (Apple).
- Using the program WMWare or VM VirtualBox, Linux can even run Windows and other operating systems simultaneously and more stable than using a virtual machine on another OS.

Mounting Partitiion; Linux is flexible in mounting partition. If you are already accustomed to using MS-DOS / MS Windows, you will have the use of hard drive partitions of A :, B :, C :, to :, Z (only up to 26 drives only). On Linux, use the letter symbol in the partition was not found. Linux usually mount partitions, files, directories, or hardware address as a file, making it more flexible, because it is not limited by the amount. Instead, you will find a directory. Directory naming is completely up to you. This becomes important when many use the hard disk.

Proxy Server Local; Linux comes with a local proxy server that is similar to that digunakanoleh majority of ISPs, and campus - campuses worldwide.

Transparent Proxy; the Transparent Proxy so that all clients as if - if it can be related to the internet without any pambatas, allowing many applications to run.

Web Server; Linux can be used as a web server with Apache software which can be used as a base www; web content server (optional).

FTP Server; Linux can be used as an FTP server that allows clients to download a program or data siatu at the same time.

Programmable Shell; which allows the system to receive commands from the user, and run, Shell is one of the interfaces in Linux is CLI (Command Line Interpreter / Interface).

Linux supports GUI (Graphic User Interface).


In addition to the many advantages that you can be in the Linux operating system, there are also some disadvantages, among which are:

• Operating system used completely different with Windows so that takes time and extra effort to learn to use it.

• Use WYSYWYG (What You See is What You Get) can not thoroughly, so it is necessary to use its own tricks.

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